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Beautiful Nature Book for Children
about a Honey Bee


This year I have been working with bee expert and publisher, Valerie Rhenius, on an exciting project creating a children's book about a honey bee's adventures across the countryside in search of food - a special book with beautiful illustrations individually hand-painted in watercolour, in celebration of the National Honey Shows' centenary this year, launched October 2023.


If you would like to follow us as we navigate our way through the creation of our new book, pop over to Saffron Wildlife Studio for behind-the-scenes updates, information, observations and inspirations - and come say hi on social media:


Blog: Saffron Wildlife Studio

Facebook and Instagram @saffronwildlifestudio

Twitter @saffronwildlife

Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee

'As do many, many honey bees across the country and the world, Izzie flies over a three or four mile radius from her hive in search of nectar, pollen and water.


Her continual, tireless foraging not only builds up a healthy hive with stores of honey to share with you, as she dusts the plants she visits with pollen, she increases crops of flowers, fruit and vegetables worldwide.


This book is dedicated to all the honey bees, the miles travelled and plants pollinated in bringing you the teaspoonful of honey for your breakfast toast.' Valerie Rhenius.


Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee published by CMI Publishing Ltd in the South East of England.


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Izzie Lizzie Busy Bee book

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